
Queues in Kotlin


1. Introduction

Queues are a foundational data structure in computer science, designed to store and process elements in a specific order. Unlike stacks, queues operate on the FIFO (First-In, First-Out) principle, meaning elements are added at the end and removed from the front.

In Kotlin, queues are part of the kotlin.collections package and come with efficient implementations for different use cases, including double-ended queues (Deque) and linked lists. These implementations provide robust support for both FIFO and LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) operations.

2. Overview of Queues

Definition and Purpose

A queue is a collection designed to process elements in the order they are added. Kotlin offers several ways to implement queues, such as:

  • Queue<T>: Represents a collection with FIFO behavior.
  • ArrayDeque<T>: A double-ended queue that allows operations on both ends efficiently.
  • LinkedList<T>: A doubly linked list that also supports Queue<T> and Deque<T> functionalities.

Key Characteristics

  • FIFO Order: Elements are processed in the order they are added.
  • Dynamic Sizing: Queues dynamically resize to accommodate varying numbers of elements.
  • Efficient Operations: Kotlin’s queue implementations provide optimized methods for insertion and removal.

Common Scenarios

  • Task scheduling (e.g., managing tasks in a printer queue).
  • Handling asynchronous data streams.
  • Breadth-first search (BFS) in graph algorithms.

3. Kotlin Implementations

Types of Queues

1. Queue Interface (Queue<T>)

The Queue<T> interface defines the standard contract for a queue in Kotlin. It provides methods for enqueuing, dequeuing, and peeking elements.

Key methods include:

  • add(element: T): Adds an element to the queue.
  • remove(): Removes and returns the front element.
  • peek(): Returns the front element without removing it.


val queue: Queue<Int> = LinkedList()

println(queue.remove())  // Output: 1
println(queue.peek())    // Output: 2

2. ArrayDeque (ArrayDeque<T>)

ArrayDeque<T> is a double-ended queue (Deque) that provides efficient operations at both ends. It is implemented using a resizable array, making it highly performant for most queue operations.

Key features:

  • Operations like addFirst, addLast, removeFirst, and removeLast are available.
  • Suitable for both FIFO and LIFO operations.


val deque = ArrayDeque<String>()

println(deque.removeFirst())  // Output: C
println(deque.removeLast())   // Output: B

3. LinkedList (LinkedList<T>)

LinkedList<T> is a doubly linked list that can function as both a Queue<T> and a Deque<T>. It is ideal for scenarios where frequent insertion and deletion of elements are required.

Key features:

  • Provides efficient insertion and removal at both ends.
  • Implements both Queue and Deque interfaces.


val linkedList = LinkedList<Int>()

println(linkedList.remove())  // Output: 10
println(linkedList.peek())    // Output: 20

4. How to Use Queues

Creating and Initializing Queues

Using ArrayDeque

val queue = ArrayDeque<String>()

Using LinkedList

val queue = LinkedList<Int>()

Enqueuing and Dequeuing Elements

Adding Elements

Use add() or offer() to enqueue elements:

val queue = ArrayDeque<String>()

Removing Elements

Use remove() or poll() to dequeue elements:

println(queue.remove())  // Output: Task1

Peeking Elements

Use peek() to view the front element without removing it:

println(queue.peek())  // Output: Task2

5. Performance and Best Practices

Performance Considerations

  • ArrayDeque: Offers faster performance for most use cases due to its array-based implementation.
  • LinkedList: Ideal for scenarios requiring frequent insertions and deletions.

Best Practices

  1. Choose the Right Implementation: Use ArrayDeque for general-purpose queues and LinkedList for complex operations involving frequent middle insertions.
  2. Avoid Null Values: Ensure that the queue does not contain nulls to prevent unexpected errors.
  3. Leverage Interfaces: Use Queue<T> or Deque<T> as the reference type for flexibility.

6. Examples and Use Cases

Example 1: Task Scheduling

val taskQueue = ArrayDeque<String>()

while (taskQueue.isNotEmpty()) {
    println("Processing: ${taskQueue.remove()}")

Example 2: Breadth-First Search (BFS)

fun bfs(graph: Map<Int, List<Int>>, start: Int) {
    val queue: Queue<Int> = LinkedList()
    val visited = mutableSetOf<Int>()


    while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
        val current = queue.remove()
        println("Visited: $current")

        for (neighbor in graph[current] ?: emptyList()) {
            if (neighbor !in visited) {

val graph = mapOf(1 to listOf(2, 3), 2 to listOf(4, 5), 3 to listOf(6))
bfs(graph, 1)

7. Similar Data Structures

Queue vs Stack

  • Queue: Follows FIFO order.
  • Stack: Follows LIFO order.

Queue vs PriorityQueue

  • Queue: Processes elements in the order they are added.
  • PriorityQueue: Processes elements based on their priority.

8. Conclusion

Queues in Kotlin are versatile and efficient for handling ordered collections. Whether you need to manage tasks, process data streams, or implement algorithms, Kotlin provides robust queue implementations. Choose the right implementation based on your requirements to write clean, efficient, and scalable code.

Dive into queues in Kotlin and simplify your coding journey!